Third Faction - 2009-2012

Third Faction is an affiliation of avatar/entities with a collective interest in exposing binary systems in Synthetic Environments, specifically World of Warcraft. Third Faction's focus is to develop a democratized and non-hierarchical praxis as well as governance. Current members include a global cabal of artists and performers whose work has been internationally recognized and exhibited. This open system is a participatory practice that welcomes new membership. As a member of Third Faction it is your duty to participate in cross factional missions, share the missions, subvert the dominant culture, and take part in a richer experience.

As a member, Ali helped to create Third Faction's "/hug" experience, which presented a counter to the narrative of war in the World of Warcraft. Slash Hug, was displayed at the Laguna Art Museum at a Blizzard themed exhibit that celebrated the work the game company and the art it has inspired. Slash Hug was a subversive piece in the exhibit, challenging Blizzard and the game masters to design a better world than the one currently available.
Slash Hug encouraged museum goers to actively engage in the world of the game not to make war but to gather supplies and resources to aid those most effected by the centuries old narrative of war. In contrast with the other pieces in the musuem that featured stylistically violent images, Slash Hug borrowed its look from the iconography of non governmental organizations like The Red Cross.